Sunday, June 9, 2013 Presents: LOST Places - GERMANY 'Stadt im Wald'

Upon discovering this Geocaching YouTube video, I felt reanimated because a few months ago I decided to start trying to learn the German language.  Although, to be honest it has been slow going since I am attempting to teach myself German through various online lessons, etc.  Even though I still have a lot of Deutsch lernen to do, I was happy to be able to understand a few words such as:
  • Stadt [shtat] = City
  • Wald [valt] = Forest
So then, 'Stadt im Wald' in English means 'City in the Forest'.
  • mein Name ist (insert your name here) [miyn nahmuh ist] = My name is ...
  • und mein Geocaching Name ist ... = and my geocaching name is ...
  • alten Plätze [alten pletsuh] = old places
  • klein [kliyn] = small
  • The word 'Geocaching' [GEE-oh-cashing] is a no brainer.

Anyways, maybe this will inspire some of you to learn another language, and expand your Geocaching territory!

Check out the German 'Word of the Day' app on the right side of this blog. -->

Note:  This video is spoken entirely in German. Click the CC button for English or German subtitles.

About this video:
Watch the first Presents video from Germany. Join a group of German geocachers as they explore a Lost Place cache. Lost Place Caches takes geocachers to a location that has been all but forgotten by time. Follow a group of geocachers as they search an abandoned Soviet military base. It's located in what used to be East Germany.
Sehe das erste " Presents" Video aus Deutschland. Schließ dich der Gruppe von deutschen Geocachern an, als sie einen Lost Place, der sie zur einer ehemaligen sowjetischen Militärbasis führt, erforschen.
Geocache Location of reference:
Brandenburg, Germany
N 53°03  E 013° 22
This Geocache looks like so much freakin’ fun!   :D 
If you are planning a VaCachen, you may also want to read these posts:

Sadly, I have to report that this popular Multi-Cache is no longer.  After the demolition of parts of the site, damage allegedly caused by geocachers, and too many visitors in the late evening hours, the final access point has been sealed forever by the forester.  The owner of the cache (hornesia caches) has terminated the cache.
"City in the forest (GC17K3A) was undoubtedly one of the most famous German Lost Places caches. Was similar to known really just "The Ruins of prow" which was sent to the archive forever also a few weeks ago."
Never fear!  There are still thousands of geocaches to find throughout Germany and Europe.

Geocaching in Deutschland - Die deutschsprachige Informationsplattform über das Hobby Geocaching in Deutschland.  (The German-language platform for information on the hobby of geocaching in Germany.)

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